Appendix B. Testing connection to panel without WinControl

From within Windows, open a DOS prompt. To do so, in Windows 2000/XP, go to the start menu and select “Run”. In the dialog type “cmd” and hit return. This should bring up a black DOS command prompt window.

In the command window, use the telnet command to access the WebLink. The usage of the telnet command is as follows:

telnet address port

So, to test that the WebLink is available, you would type this if the WebLink address were

Figure B.1. Telnet Screen

Telnet Screen

You will see a blank screen. Hit return a couple times and you will something similar to one of the two lines below.

LAP 0001 W03.008

RAP 0001 W03.008

If you see nothing after hitting return three times, then there is possibly a communication problem.

To exit type ctrl-]

You will be at the “telnet>” prompt. Type “quit” and hit return.

Then you can type exit followed by the Enter key to get rid of the DOS prompt.